The following settings are in the [evars] section of the linchpin.conf

LinchPin sets several extra_vars values, which are passed to the provisioning playbooks.


Default paths in playbooks exist. lp_path = <src_dir>/linchpin determined in the load_config method of linchpin.cli.LinchpinCliContext if either of these change, the value in linchpin/templates must also change


Enables the Ansible check_mode, or Dry Run functionality. Most provisioners currently DO NOT support this option

_check_mode = False


LinchPin supports the Ansible async mode for certain Providers. Setting async = True here enables the feature.

_async = False


Works in conjunction with the async setting, defaulting the async wait time to {{ async_timeout }} in provider playbooks

async_timeout = 1000


Deprecated in version 1.2.0 Removed in version 1.5.0

Horribly named variable, no longer used

output = True


New in version 1.2.0

Used solely in the libvirt provider <prov_libvirt>. Could be used to set a default location for ssh keys that might be passed via a cloud-config setup.

default_ssh_key_path = ~/.ssh


Used in lookup for a specific layout within a workspace. The PinFile specifies the layout without a path, this is the relative location.

Also used in combination with default_layouts_path <conf_def_layout_path>, which isn’t generally used.

layouts_folder = layouts


Used in lookup for a specific topology within a workspace. The PinFile specifies the topology without a path, this is the relative location.

Also used in combination with default_topologies_path<conf_def_topo_path>, which isn’t generally used.

topologies_folder = topologies


New in version 1.5.0

Used in combination with default_roles_path <conf_def_roles_path> for external provider roles

roles_folder = roles


Relative location where inventories will be written. Usually combined with the default_inventories_path, but could be relative tothe workspace.

_check_mode = False

inventories_folder = inventories


Relative location within the workspace where hooks data is stored

hooks_folder = hooks


Deprecated in version 1.5.0

Relative location of the resources destination path. Generally combined with the default_resource_path

resources_folder = resources


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

Relative location of the schemas within the LinchPin codebase

schemas_folder = schemas


Relative location of the Ansible playbooks and roles within the LinchPin codebase

playbooks_folder = provision


Deprecated in version 1.5.0

Used to locate default schemas, usually schema_v4 or schema_v3

default_schemas_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(schemas_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

Default location for topologies in cases where topology or topology_file is not set.

default_topologies_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(topologies_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When inventories are processed, layouts are looked up here if layout_file is not set

default_layouts_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(layouts_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When writing out inventories, this path is used if inventory_file is not set

default_inventories_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(inventories_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When writing out resources files, this path is used if inventory_file is not set

default_inventories_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(inventories_folder)s


When using an external provider, this path points back to some of the core roles needed in the provider’s playbook.

default_roles_path = {{ lp_path }}/%(playbooks_folder)s/%(roles_folder)s

default_roles_path = {{ lp_path }}/%(playbooks_folder)s/%(roles_folder)s


Deprecated in v1.5.0

Full path to the location of the schema_v3.json file, which is used to perform validation of the topology.

_check_mode = False

schema_v3 = %(default_schemas_path)s/schema_v3.json


Deprecated in v1.5.0

Full path to the location of the schema_v4.json file, which is used to perform validation of the topology.

schema_v4 = %(default_schemas_path)s/schema_v4.json


If the --creds-path option or $CREDS_PATH environment variable are not set, use this location to look up credentials files defined in a topology.

default_credentials_path = %(default_config_path)s


New in v1.2.0

This configuration changes the default inventory_file value. The default is determined in code by concatenating several evars together.

#inventory_file = {{ workspace }}/{{ inventories_folder }}/{{ topology_name }}-{{ uhash }}.inventory