Context Distiller

New in version 1.5.2

The purpose of the Context Distiller is to take outputs from provisioned resources and provide them to a user as a json file.

The distiller currently supports the following roles:

* os_server
* aws_ec2
* bkr_server
* dummy_node (for testing)

For each role, the distiller collects specific fields from the resource data.


Please be aware that this feature is planned to integrated with other tooling to make extracting resource data more flexible in the future.

Enabling the Distiller

To enable the Context Distiller, the following must be set in the linchpin.conf.

distill_data = True

# disable generating the resources file
generate_resources = False


Other settings may already be in these sections. If that is the case, just add these settings to the proper section.


It may not be immediately obvious, as LinchPin uses the RunDB data to return resource data from a run. In this way, the resource data can be stored somewhere and retrieved at any time by future tooling. Because of this, the resources file is disabled. In this way, the resource data is stored solely in the RunDB for easy retrieval.

Fields to Retreive


Modifying the distilled fields can cause unexpected results. MODIFY THIS DATA AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Within the linchpin.constants file, the [distiller] section exists. Described within this section is how each role gathers the applicable data to distill.

bkr_server = id,url,system
dummy_node: hosts
aws_ec2 =,instances.public_ip,instances.private_ip,instances.public_dns_name,instances.private_dns_name,instances.tags:name
os_server =,servers.interface_ip,,servers.private_v4,servers.public_v4

If the distiller is enabled, the bkr_server role will distill the id, url, and system values for each instance provisioned during the transaction.


The distiller creates one file, placed in <workspace>/resources/linchpin.distilled. Each time an ‘up’ transaction is performed, the distilled data is overwritten.

If no output is recorded, it’s likely that the provisioning didn’t complete successfully, or an error occurred during data collection. The data is still available in the RunDB.

This is the output for the aws_ec2 role, using the aws-ec2-new target, which provisioned two instances.

    "aws-ec2-new": [
            "id": "i-0d8616a3d08a67f38",
            "name": "demo-day",
            "private_dns_name": "",
            "private_ip": "",
            "public_dns_name": "",
            "public_ip": ""
            "id": "i-01112909e184530fc",
            "name": "demo-night",
            "private_dns_name": "",
            "private_ip": "",
            "public_dns_name": "",
            "public_ip": ""