Getting Started

Now that LinchPin is installed, this guide will walk you through the basics of using LinchPin. LinchPin is a command-line utility, a Python API, and Ansible playbooks. As this guide is intentionally quite brief to get you started, a more complete version can be found in the documentation links found in the index.

Running the linchpin command

The linchpin CLI is used to perform tasks related to managing resources. We’ll cover the basics of how to use linchpin. For greater detail, see Commands (CLI).

Getting Help

Getting help from the command line is very simple. Running either linchpin or linchpin --help will yield the command line help page.

$ linchpin --help
Usage: linchpin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  linchpin: hybrid cloud orchestration

  -c, --config PATH               Path to config file
  -p, --pinfile PINFILE           Use a name for the PinFile different from
                                  the configuration.
  -d, --template-data TEMPLATE_DATA
                                  Write out PinFile to provided location
  -o, --output-pinfile OUTPUT_PINFILE
                                  Template data passed to PinFile template
  -w, --workspace PATH            Use the specified workspace. Also works if
                                  the familiar Jenkins WORKSPACE environment
                                  variable is set
  -v, --verbose                   Enable verbose output
  --version                       Prints the version and exits
  --creds-path PATH               Use the specified credentials path. Also
                                  works if CREDS_PATH environment variable is
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  init     Initializes a linchpin project.
  up       Provisions nodes from the given target(s) in...
  destroy  Destroys nodes from the given target(s) in...
  fetch    Fetches a specified linchpin workspace or...
  journal  Display information stored in Run Database...

For subcommands, like linchpin up, passing the --help or -h option produces help related to the provided subcommand.

$ linchpin up -h
Usage: linchpin up [OPTIONS] TARGETS

  Provisions nodes from the given target(s) in the given PinFile.

  targets:    Provision ONLY the listed target(s). If omitted, ALL targets
  in the appropriate PinFile will be provisioned.

  run-id:     Use the data from the provided run_id value

  -r, --run-id run_id  Idempotently provision using `run-id` data
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

As can easily be seen, linchpin up has additional arguments and options.

Basic Usage

The most basic usage of linchpin might be to perform an up action. This simple command assumes a PinFile in the workspace (current directory by default), with one target dummy.

$ linchpin up
Action 'up' on Target 'dummy' is complete

Target              Run ID      uHash   Exit Code
dummy                   75       79b9           0

Upon completion, the systems defined in the dummy target will be provisioned. An equally basic usage of linchpin is the destroy action. This command is peformed using the same PinFile and target.

$ linchpin destroy
Action 'destroy' on Target 'dummy' is complete

Target              Run ID      uHash   Exit Code
dummy                   76       79b9           0

Upon completion, the systems which were provisioned, are destroyed (or torn down).

Options and Arguments

The most common argument available in linchpin is the TARGET. Generally, the PinFile will have many targets available, but only one or two will be requested.

$ linchpin up dummy-new libvirt-new
Action 'up' on Target 'dummy' is complete
Action 'up' on Target 'libvirt' is complete

Target              Run ID     uHash    Exit Code
dummy                   77      73b1            0
libvirt                 39      dc2c            0

In some cases, you may wish to use a different PinFile.

$ linchpin -p PinFile.json up
Action 'up' on Target 'dummy-new' is complete

Target              Run ID      uHash   Exit Code
dummy-new           29          c70a            0

As you can see, this PinFile had a target called dummy-new, and it was the only target listed.

Other common options include:

  • --verbose (-v) to get more output
  • --config (-c) to specify an alternate configuration file
  • --workspace (-w) to specify an alternate workspace

For an explanation of all of the available arguments and options, see Getting Help

The Workspace

What is generated is commonly referred to as the workspace. The workspace can live anywhere on the filesystem. The default is the current directory. The workspace can also be passed into the linchpin command line with the --workspace (--w) option, or it can be set with the $WORKSPACE environmental variable.

An functional workspace can be found in the source code.

Initialization (init)

Running linchpin init will generate the workspace directory structure, along with an example PinFile, topology, and layout files. Performing the following tasks will generate a simple dummy PinFile, topology, and layout structure.

$ pwd
$ linchpin init
PinFile and file structure created at /tmp/workspace
$ tree
├── credentials
├── hooks
├── inventories
├── layouts
│   └── dummy-layout.yml
├── PinFile
└── topologies
    └── dummy-topology.yml


With LinchPin, resources are king. Defining, managing, and generating outputs are all done using a declarative syntax. Resources are managed via the PinFile. The PinFile can hold two additional files, the topology, and layout. Linchpin also supports hooks.


The topology is declarative, written in YAML or JSON (v1.5+), and defines how the provisioned systems should look after executing the linchpin up command. A simple dummy topology is shown here.

topology_name: "dummy_cluster" # topology name
  - resource_group_name: "dummy"
    resource_group_type: "dummy"
      - name: "web"
        role: "dummy_node"
        count: 1

This topology describes a single dummy system that will be provisioned when linchpin up is executed. Once provisioned, the resources outputs are stored for reference and later lookup. Additional topology examples can be found in the source code.

Inventory Layout

An inventory_layout (or layout) is written in YAML or JSON (v1.5+), and defines how the provisioned resources should look in an Ansible static inventory file. The inventory is generated from the resources provisioned by the topology and the layout data. A layout is shown here.

    hostname: __IP__
      count: 1
        - example

The above YAML allows for interpolation of the ip address, or hostname as a component of a generated inventory. A host group called example will be added to the Ansible static inventory. The all group always exists, and includes all provisioned hosts.

$ cat inventories/dummy_cluster-0446.inventory



A keen observer might notice the filename and hostname are appended with -0446. This value is called the uhash or unique-ish hash. Most providers allow for unique identifiers to be assigned automatically to each hostname as well as the inventory name. This provides a flexible way to repeat the process, but manage multiple resource sets at the same time.

Additional layout examples can be found in the source code.


A PinFile takes a topology and an optional layout, among other options, as a combined set of configurations as a resource for provisioning. An example Pinfile is shown.

  topology: dummy-topology.yml
  layout: dummy-layout.yml

The PinFile collects the given topology and layout into one place. Many targets can be referenced in a single PinFile.

More detail about the PinFile can be found in the PinFiles document.

Additional PinFile examples can be found in the source code

Provisioning (up)

Once a PinFile, topology, and optional layout are in place, provisioning can happen. Performing the command linchpin up should provision the resources and inventory files based upon the topology_name value. In this case, is dummy_cluster.

$ linchpin up
target: dummy_cluster, action: up
Action 'up' on Target 'dummy_cluster' is complete

Target              Run ID  uHash       Exit Code
dummy_cluster       70      0446                0

As you can see, the generated inventory file has the right data. This can be used in many ways, which will be covered elsewhere in the documentation.

$ cat inventories/dummy_cluster-0446.inventory


To verify resources with the dummy cluster, check /tmp/dummy.hosts

$ cat /tmp/dummy.hosts

Teardown (destroy)

As expected, LinchPin can also perform teardown of resources. A teardown action generally expects that resources have been provisioned. However, because Ansible is idempotent, linchpin destroy will only check to make sure the resources are up. Only if the resources are already up will the teardown happen.

The command linchpin destroy will look up the resources and/or topology files (depending on the provider) to determine the proper teardown procedure. The dummy Ansible role does not use the resources, only the topology during teardown.

$ linchpin destroy
target: dummy_cluster, action: destroy
Action 'destroy' on Target 'dummy_cluster' is complete

Target              Run ID  uHash       Exit Code
dummy_cluster       71      0446                0

Verify the /tmp/dummy.hosts file to ensure the records have been removed.

$ cat /tmp/dummy.hosts


The teardown functionality is slightly more limited around ephemeral resources, like networking, storage, etc. It is possible that a network resource could be used with multiple cloud instances. In this way, performing a linchpin destroy does not teardown certain resources. This is dependent on each providers implementation.

See also

Commands (CLI)
Linchpin Command-Line Interface
Managing Resources
Managing Resources
Available Providers