Configuration File

Below is full coverage of each of the sections of the values available in linchpin.conf.

Getting the most current configuration

If you are installing LinchPin from a package manager (pip or RPM), the latest linchpin.conf is already included in the library.

An example linchpin.conf is available on Github.

For in-depth details of all the options, see the Configuration Reference document.

Environmental Variables

LinchPin allows configuration adjustments via environment variables in some cases. If these environment variables are set, they will take precedence over any settings in the configuration file.

A full listing of available environment variables, see the Configuration Reference document.

Command Line Options

Some configuration options are also present in the command line. Settings passed via the command line will override those passed through the configuration file and the environment.

The full list of options is covered in the Commands (CLI) document.

Values by Section

The configuration file is broken into sections. Each section controls a specific functionality in LinchPin.

General Defaults

The following settings are in the [DEFAULT] section of the linchpin.conf


The configurations in this section should NOT be changed unless you know what you are doing.


This defines the package name. Many components base paths and other information from this setting.

pkg = linchpin


New in version 1.2.0

Where configuration files might land, such as the workspaces.conf, or credentials. Generally used in combination with other configurations.

default_config_path = ~/.config/linchpin


New in version 1.5.0

Developers can provide additional provider playbooks and schemas. This configuration is used to set the path(s) to look for additional providers.

external_providers_path = %(default_config_path)s/linchpin-x

The following settings are in the [init] section of the linchpin.conf


Source path of files provided for the linchpin init command.

source = templates/


Formal name of the PinFile. Can be changed as desired.

pinfile = PinFile

The following settings are in the [lp] section of the linchpin.conf


Load custom ansible modules from this directory

module_folder = library


New in version 1.2.0

RunDB supports additional drivers, currently the only driver is TinyRunDB, based upon tinydb.

rundb_type = TinyRunDB


New in version 1.2.0

The resource path to the RunDB connection. The TinyRunDB version (default) is a file.

Default: {{ workspace }}/.rundb/rundb.json

The configuration file has this option commented out. Uncommenting it could enable a system-central rundb, if desired.

#rundb_conn = %(default_config_path)s/rundb/rundb-::mac::.json


New in version 1.2.0

Set this value if the RunDB resource is anything but a file. This setting is linked to the rundb_conn configuration.

rundb_conn_type = file


New in version 1.2.0

The schema used to store records in the TinyRunDb. Many other databases will likely not use this value, but must honor the configuration item.

rundb_schema = {"action": "",
                "inputs": [],
                "outputs": [],
                "start": "",
                "end": "",
                "rc": 0,
                "uhash": ""}


New in version 1.2.0

Hashing algorithm used to create the uHash.

rundb_hash = sha256


New in version 1.2.0

The dateformat to use when writing out start and end times to the RunDB.

dateformat = %%m/%%d/%%Y %%I:%%M:%%S %%p


New in version 1.2.0

The dateformat to use when writing out start and end times to the RunDB.

default_pinfile = PinFile

Extra Vars

The following settings are in the [evars] section of the linchpin.conf

LinchPin sets several extra_vars values, which are passed to the provisioning playbooks.


Default paths in playbooks exist. lp_path = <src_dir>/linchpin determined in the load_config method of linchpin.cli.LinchpinCliContext if either of these change, the value in linchpin/templates must also change


Enables the Ansible check_mode, or Dry Run functionality. Most provisioners currently DO NOT support this option

_check_mode = False


LinchPin supports the Ansible async mode for certain Providers. Setting async = True here enables the feature.

_async = False


Works in conjunction with the async setting, defaulting the async wait time to {{ async_timeout }} in provider playbooks

async_timeout = 1000


Deprecated in version 1.2.0 Removed in version 1.5.0

Horribly named variable, no longer used

output = True


New in version 1.2.0

Used solely in the libvirt provider <prov_libvirt>. Could be used to set a default location for ssh keys that might be passed via a cloud-config setup.

default_ssh_key_path = ~/.ssh


Used in lookup for a specific layout within a workspace. The PinFile specifies the layout without a path, this is the relative location.

Also used in combination with default_layouts_path <conf_def_layout_path>, which isn’t generally used.

layouts_folder = layouts


Used in lookup for a specific topology within a workspace. The PinFile specifies the topology without a path, this is the relative location.

Also used in combination with default_topologies_path<conf_def_topo_path>, which isn’t generally used.

topologies_folder = topologies


New in version 1.5.0

Used in combination with default_roles_path <conf_def_roles_path> for external provider roles

roles_folder = roles


Relative location where inventories will be written. Usually combined with the default_inventories_path, but could be relative tothe workspace.

_check_mode = False

inventories_folder = inventories


Relative location within the workspace where hooks data is stored

hooks_folder = hooks


Deprecated in version 1.5.0

Relative location of the resources destination path. Generally combined with the default_resource_path

resources_folder = resources


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

Relative location of the schemas within the LinchPin codebase

schemas_folder = schemas


Relative location of the Ansible playbooks and roles within the LinchPin codebase

playbooks_folder = provision


Deprecated in version 1.5.0

Used to locate default schemas, usually schema_v4 or schema_v3

default_schemas_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(schemas_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

Default location for topologies in cases where topology or topology_file is not set.

default_topologies_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(topologies_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When inventories are processed, layouts are looked up here if layout_file is not set

default_layouts_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(layouts_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When writing out inventories, this path is used if inventory_file is not set

default_inventories_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(inventories_folder)s


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

When writing out resources files, this path is used if inventory_file is not set

default_inventories_path = {{ lp_path }}/defaults/%(inventories_folder)s


When using an external provider, this path points back to some of the core roles needed in the provider’s playbook.

default_roles_path = {{ lp_path }}/%(playbooks_folder)s/%(roles_folder)s

default_roles_path = {{ lp_path }}/%(playbooks_folder)s/%(roles_folder)s


Deprecated in v1.5.0

Full path to the location of the schema_v3.json file, which is used to perform validation of the topology.

_check_mode = False

schema_v3 = %(default_schemas_path)s/schema_v3.json


Deprecated in v1.5.0

Full path to the location of the schema_v4.json file, which is used to perform validation of the topology.

schema_v4 = %(default_schemas_path)s/schema_v4.json


If the --creds-path option or $CREDS_PATH environment variable are not set, use this location to look up credentials files defined in a topology.

default_credentials_path = %(default_config_path)s


New in v1.2.0

This configuration changes the default inventory_file value. The default is determined in code by concatenating several evars together.

#inventory_file = {{ workspace }}/{{ inventories_folder }}/{{ topology_name }}-{{ uhash }}.inventory

Initialization Settings

The following settings are in the [init] section of the linchpin.conf.

These settings specifically pertain to linchpin init, which stores templates in the source code to generate a simple example workspace.


Location of templates stored in the source code. The structure is built to resemble the directory structure explained in linchpin init.

source = templates/


Formal name of the PinFile. Can be changed as desired.

pinfile = PinFile

Logger Settings

The following settings are in the [logger] section of the linchpin.conf.


These settings are ONLY used for the Command Line Interface. The API configures a console output only logger and expects the functionality to be overwritten in subclasses.


Whether logging to a file is enabled

enable = True


Name of the file to write the log. A relative or full path is acceptable.

file = linchpin.log


The format in which logs are written. See for more detail and available options.

format = %%(levelname)s %%(asctime)s %%(message)s


How to display the date in logs. See for more detail and available options.


This action was never implemented.

dateformat = %%m/%%d/%%Y %%I:%%M:%%S %%p


Default logging level

level = logging.DEBUG

The following settings are in the [console] section of the linchpin.conf.

Each of these settings is for logging output to the console, except for Ansible output.


The format in which console output is written. See for more detail and available options.

format = %%(message)s


Default logging level

level = logging.INFO

Hooks Settings

The following settings are in the [states] section of the linchpin.conf.

These settings define the state names, which are useful in hooks.


Define the name of the so called preup state. This state is set and executed prior to the ‘up’ action being called, but after the PinFile data is loaded.

preup = preup


Define the name of the so called predestroy state. This state is set and executed prior to the ‘destroy’ action being called, but after the PinFile data is loaded.

predestroy = predestroy


Define the name of the so called postup state. This state is set and executed after to the ‘up’ action is completed, and after the postinv state is executed.

postup = postup

postdestroy = postdestroy ~~

Define the name of the so called postdestroy state. This state is set and executed after to the ‘destroy’ action is completed.

postdestroy = postdestroy


Define the name of the so called postinv state. This state is set and executed after to the ‘up’ action is completed, and before the postup state is executed. This is eventually going to be the inventory generation hook.

postinv = inventory

The following settings are in the [hookstates] section of the linchpin.conf.

These settings define the ‘STATES’ each action uses in hooks.


For the ‘up’ action, types of hook states are available for execution

up = pre,post,inv


For the ‘destroy’ action, types of hook states are available for execution

destroy = pre,post


New in version 1.2.0

For the inventory generation, which only happens on an ‘up’ state.


The postinv state currently doesn’t do anything. In the future, it will provide a way to generate inventories besides the standard Ansible static inventory.

inv = post

File Extensions

The following settings are in the [extensions] section of the linchpin.conf.

These settings define the file extensions certain files have..


Deprecated in version 1.2.0

Removed in version 1.5.0

When generating resource output files, append this extension

resource = .output


When generating Ansible static inventory files, append this extension

inventory = .inventory


New in version 1.5.0

Since playbooks fundamentially changed between v1.2.0 and v1.5.0, this option was added for looking up a provider playbook. It’s unlikely this value will change.

playbooks = .yml

Playbook Settings

The following settings are in the [playbooks] section of the linchpin.conf.


The entirety of this section is removed in version 1.5.0+. The redesign of the LinchPin API now calls individual playbooks based upon the resource_group_type value.


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘up’ (provision) action

up = site.yml


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘destroy’ (teardown) action

destroy = site.yml


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘down’ (halt) action


This action has not been implemented.

down = site.yml


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘schema_check’ action.


This action was never implemented.

schema_check = schemacheck.yml


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘inv_gen’ action.


This action was never implemented.

inv_gen = invgen.yml


Removed in version 1.5.0

Name of the playbook associated with the ‘test’ action.


This action was never implemented.

test = test.yml

See also

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